Upcoming Fox-in-the-Boro project seeking artists
Rabbits hopped into Dedham, cows grazed around Boston, and foxes will trot through Foxboro this summer as part of a public art project.
The Foxboro Cultural Council is seeking five local artists to participate in the public art, tourism, and charitable event that will place five decorated, four-foot-tall foxes around the uptown area for its Fox-in-the-Boro art walk.
A map will lead folks around uptown Foxboro to find each fox and recognize the participating artists and sponsors.
After two years, the foxes will be auctioned off to raise funds for future artistic projects and events within the community.
The cultural council has partnered with Icon Poly, a family-owned fabrication company that has helped enrich the arts in hundreds of cities with paintable outdoor sculptures.
Thanks to a grant from Partners in Patriotism, the council commissioned the fox prototype last fall. Icon Poly is molding the fiberglass fox sculptures, which are due to arrive in Foxboro this spring, ready for artists to transform them.
The cultural council has reached 50% of its sponsorship goal and is still looking for additional funding for the project.
Individuals or businesses interested in sponsoring the project can contact Tiffany Elliott at evansty@gmail.com or send a check to Foxboro Cultural Council, Town Hall, 40 South St., Foxboro, MA 02035.
The cultural council is also inviting artists to apply to be one of the select few to decorate a fox.
Applications can be found at www.foxboroughma.gov or paper copies are available in the lobbies of Foxboro Town Hall, Boyden Library, and the council on aging.
Applications and visual proposals can be sent to foxborocc@gmail.com or Fox-in-the-Boro, 33 Prospect St., Foxboro, MA 02035. The deadline to apply is midnight, Feb. 3.
Donations for the project have also been received from Triboro Paint Center, Krisanthi Pappas Music Productions, Foxboro Chiropractic, and Anderson Landscape.
For more information about the project, please refer to www.foxboroughma.gov and direct questions to foxborocc@gmail.com.
Story by: Sun Chronicle