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Functional Replicas

Before modern technology, the only way salesmen and companies could show and sell their products was with an actual product in hand, or if the products were too big or heavy they would use salesman samples or functional replicas. This practice still exists in some industries today due to the characteristics of the real product. For instance, if the product is very large and bulky like in the pipe and joint cast iron industry, functional replicas and industrial props can be very useful and even increase safety and cut down on work comp claims. Icon Poly makes trade show props and product replicas of many cast-iron fixtures, including replica fire hydrants, functioning replica cutaway valves, and we have even made a replica of what at the time was one of the worlds largest cast iron ball joints. If your real product is huge and heavy and you would like to cut down on tradeshow expenses and possibly reduce safety claims by your staff without reducing the visual effectiveness of your real product, contact us to get in touch with one of our representatives for assistance and start your trade show or industrial prop project.