Tiptoe Thru Town Tulips
Category: Current Projects
Client: Munster Civic Foundation
Tiptoe Thru Town Tulips – Munster, IN
After many years without a new initiative, the MCF Board committed to revitalizing the
organization and formed subcommittees to imagine and lead new projects. The Art Committee
soon identified a project to garner attention and enthusiasm for the MCF.
The process was a collaborative effort with input from residents, MCF board members, the
Munster Chamber of Commerce, and outside art experts from IU Northwest and the South
Shore Arts. Pat Popa, who led the Highland Ducks and Humane Indiana Owl public art projects,
also shared valuable insight and experiences to help guide us to success.
The art committee desired a cheerful subject that would evoke joy and hope after a long,
gloomy period under the pandemic, community-wide appeal, and reflect the MCF’s dedication
to enhance the quality of life in Munster.
After considering several subjects, a painted tulip sculpture became the obvious choice. As the first flower to
bloom after a long winter, it marks a new season and fresh beginnings. Since Munster was
founded by Dutch farmers, the tulip is also a cheery nod to the Town’s history