Apples & Arts
Category: Past Projects
Apples & Arts – Southington, CT
In Southington, CT, the Southington Community Cultural Arts (SoCCA), partnered with Bread for Life, Southington Community Services Department, and the United Way of Southington to create a public art display celebrating the 50th anniversary of their community’s Apple Harvest Festival, as well as bring attention to providing food and services to those in need in their community.
SoCCA approached Icon Poly to create 20, 3’ tall apple sculptures and 20, 28” tall apple cores out of polyurethane resin for artists and their sponsors to paint and be positioned across Southington. The apple sculptures & cores went on display September 2018, and will either be auctioned off or purchased by their sponsors in the spring of 2019. The apple art project’s proceeds will go towards the four non-profits to help provide funds for their work in the community.