Bejeweled- Sukey StarkeyCrabber's Paradise- David WitbeckDiatoms- Jan Dobrowolski, Nadine Flood, and Kay VincentFish Lips- Terri WesselmanFreedom- Diana JamisonIn the Wake- Angela DawsonIt's All About Community- Wende SzyperskiOyster Paisley- Mary Jo BeswickRiver Critters- Jean Offutt LewisStep Into the Bay- Agnes CarterTechnicolor Fishboots- Tommy FoxThe Bay's Bounty- Marilyn Sprouse & Lancaster Middle School Art StudentsUrbanna Waterman- Wanda HollbergWading Around- Patty Richards ADDED November 2, 2017 CategoriesPast Projects DESCRIPTION The Waterman’s Way paintable rainboot sculptures were created to honor the Watermen and Waterwomen of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Share Tweet Pin Google+ LinkedIn Live Preview